Emeritus & Voluntary Faculty
Emeritus Faculty
Emeritus Faculty should complete an account request form prior to retirement so that the library can create an OpenAthens account for accessing ILLiad and other library services.
Voluntary Faculty
Voluntary Faculty are eligible to access Interlibrary Loan services. Access to the request management platform, ILLiad, will depend on the elements listed below.
Users with an Upstate Email
If you have an Upstate username and password, please use these credentials to log into ILLiad. Account not working? Contact the IMT Help Desk at 315-464-4115.
Users without an Upstate Email
Users without an Upstate email can log into ILLiad with an OpenAthens account. OpenAthens is an access management platform the library uses to provide access to our electronic resources and services. To request an OpenAthens account, submit a request to gain guest access by contacting the library. Be sure to include your affiliation and department. There is more information about OpenAthens and how to use it in the library’s OpenAthens guide.
United Health Service Users
Although users affiliated with Upstate via United Health Services (UHS) are eligible for OpenAthens accounts to access electronic resources, UHS users cannot access ILLiad. This is because UHS users have access to ILL services via UHS’s library. The UHS library can be contacted at:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 607-763-6060
Website (users must be on the UHS network to access):
If UHS’s library is unable to fill an ILL request, please feel free to contact [email protected] and we can give the request a 2nd attempt.
Questions? Contact: 315-464-5116 or [email protected].