Essential Evidence Plus
Essential Evidence Plus (EE+) is a powerful, comprehensive clinical decision support system that integrates information on 9,000 diagnoses into healthcare professionals' clinical workflows. This clinical tool, created by an international team of renowned medical experts, was developed for physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals on the front line of patient care.
EE+ features over 13,000 topics, guidelines, abstracts, tools, images, and summaries covering the most common conditions, diseases, and procedures clinicians come in contact with every day. Every recommendation carries a strength-of-evidence rating that accurately grades each recommendation merit on the basis of all of the evidence available in the relevant literature.
In addition, EE+ links to abstracts of Cochrane Systematic Reviews, along with the full text of these reviews when available, to ensure that our users always have access to high quality evidence-based healthcare information.
For more information about how to use this resource (particularly with its newly-changed layout and features), learn more at Wiley's tutorial.
Please note: this resource now requires users to register for a personal account attached to their Upstate email. Users can still choose to be enrolled in EE+ Daily POEMs. Email [email protected] to request enrollment. Please note that any links from POEMs out to the Essential Evidence Plus site will require personal registration as noted above.