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Questions? We have answers.


Do you have a question about the Library, but aren’t sure who to ask or where to look? Check out our growing knowledgebase of Frequently Asked Questions here: https://libanswers.upstate.edu.


Some of the topics you’ll find here include: access problems and troubleshooting, library accounts, interlibrary loan, library policies, and key resources for research, writing and publishing.


To search the knowledgebase, type a keyword or two into the box, such as EndNote or study room. (Hint: the box will search every word individually, so if you’re getting a lot of irrelevant results, try putting quotes around a short phrase like “library card”.


The search will default to any short FAQ entries we have, but your search results will also show tabs for Guides and Databases, so feel free to check out any Guides results for a deeper dive into a topic, or Databases to go directly to a related resource.


If you’re not finding what you need, please feel free to reach out! During Library hours, you can find help through the Library Chat, or through any of our other contact options. If you’d like, you may also submit your question on the FAQ results page so that we can consider ways to include it in our knowledgebase.

 screenshot of library FAQ
