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Login Changes to OpenAthens

During the week of September 21st, the login to the majority of library resources will change to go through Microsoft authentication much like other services on campus such as Webex. You will continue to use the “Upstate Users” option in OpenAthens which will prompt a new login through Microsoft that uses your full email address as the username. Directions with images can be found on the OpenAthens guide.

Users who save searches or get alerts with personalized accounts in Elsevier products such as Scopus, ScienceDirect, Embase, and Mendeley should follow the prompts upon logging in to merge your “new” account with your existing Elsevier account.

Users with personalized accounts in Ovid to view saved searches should contact the library at [email protected] if you would like to continue using your previous content. Library staff will work with the vendor to transfer your account.

Users with personalized accounts in MyAccess, UpToDate, Refworks, and others are unaffected by the new login options. However, should you experience any issues, do reach out to the library and library staff will work with you on a resolution.
