Library Announces Primo Discovery Service
In July, the Health Sciences Library will roll out a new search interface called Primo that will replace several existing services, including the discovery search, online catalog, citation match capabilities, and ebook search.
What is Primo?
Primo is a discovery service that allows users to search for print and electronic library resources as well as provide an interface to request and monitor items checked out from the Health Sciences Library. It is a product developed by Ex Libris and used by libraries worldwide.
How Primo is different that what is currently used?
Visually, Primo will look different than current services yet still allow Upstate students, faculty, and staff to discover and access the same databases, journals, and books. It will also provide a more seamless experience as you navigate through library subscribes resources as it replaces and combines multiple library products into one system.
Primo will also allow the campus community to request and monitor items checked out from the Health Sciences online.
Why the Library switched to Primo
Along with several systems to manage electronic resources, the library currently uses a SUNY contracted integrated library system called Aleph to manage print items that was up for renewal at the end of 2019. The SUNY library community put out a request for proposals for a more modern integrated library solution and Alma and Primo were chosen as the staff and user interfaces, respectively.
Unlike Aleph, which was designed for print books, Alma and Primo were designed to manage both print and electronic resources. Library staff have spent the last two years preparing for this transition to ensure data migrates properly and the system is ready for the Upstate community to use this summer. The most noticeable changes will occur in July, but you may also notice changes in June and August as several library systems are impacted by this transition.