Suggestions for the Leisure Reading Collection? Stop by the library front desk to pick up a survey.
AccessPediatrics from McGraw-Hill Medical covers the entire span of pediatric practice, from neonatology through adolescent medicine.
Journal of Visualized Experiments is a peer-reviewed scientific video journal.
The National Library of Medicine traveling exhibit, "AIDS, Posters & Stories of Public Health: A People's History of a Pandemic" is now on display on...
LibKey Nomad is a browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Brave, and Vivaldi that connects you to the full text from popular research...
NLM's Musings from the Mezzanine
We are celebrating National Medical Librarians Month! The HSL is here for you!
NRC+ will be unavailable after 10/31. Click here to learn more.
Rebecca Kindon named director of Health Sciences Library