The Journal Citation Reports (JRC) is bundled within Web of Science and will not be available for individual license renewal.
Tips to identify misinformation or disinformation during the pandemic.
LitCovid is a curated literature hub for tracking up-to-date scientific information about the 2019 novel Coronavirus.
First glimpse at some important changes to NCBI accounts that will be coming in 2021.
Henry Stewart Talks (HS Talks) has released four more interviews in October on the Covid-19 pandemic in The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection.
The new PubMed has been the default now since May, and more than 99% of you are using the new site. The recent NLM technical bulletin has details on...
The Library is pleased to announce the addition of both a self-checkout kiosk and self-checkout application, which will allow you to observe safe...
Henry Stewart Talks (HS Talks) has released two more interviews on the Covid-19 pandemic in The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection.