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Library Software Downloads

EndNote 21

Upstate Managed Computers 


EndNote is available in the Software Center. From the start menu, locate the Software Center icon or type 'Software Center' to search for it. Once you are in the Software Center, go to the Applications tab, find and click EndNote. Then select 'Install'.

Please contact the IMT Help Desk at 4-4115 or [email protected] with installation issues using the software center.


For Upstate-owned Macs running the JAMF management software, you should be able to install EndNote using the "Upstate Applications" app, which is located in your "Applications" folder or through the icon in the dock. If you do not have the Upstate Applications app, please follow the Personal Computer installation steps below. 

Installation on Personal Computers


Installation Instructions:

  1. Save/download the EndNote installation zip file: endnote_for_pc.zip  file (103 MB)
  2. Once downloaded, right-click on the file and select "extract"
  3. After the extraction finishes you should see an "endnote_for_pc" folder containing two files. These files must remain together in the folder for EndNote to install properly.
    • EN21Inst.msi
    • License.dat
  4. Right-click EN21Inst.msi, and select "install"
  5. If asked "do you want to run..." click the "run" button.
  6. When the installer runs, use the default options. When prompted to accept the license agreement, choose to accept. 
  7. Click "finish" to close the installer.
  8. You may need to restart your computer to complete the install.


Note: If you have a previous version of EndNote, you will first need to backup your library and uninstall the software.

To install Endnote:

  1. Save/download the endnote_for_mac.dmg  file (112 MB) to your computer.
  2. After the file is saved, move the file out of the the downloads folder to another location on your computer such as the Applications folder. 
  3. Double click the dmg file and follow the prompts to install


Getting asked for a Product Key or License? Have you:

  • used the installer files from this page? They include the product / license key.
  • installed from a folder other than the downloads folder?
  • kept the installer files together?
  • removed previous versions of EndNote, if you already had it on your device?