Subject Guides
Diversity in Medicine and Science Subject Guide

This subject guide celebrates diversity at Upstate Medical University by highlighting individuals who have made significant contributions to Upstate's mission and to medicine and science in general. Featuring such noteable people as Charles R. Ross PhD., Mantosh Dewan MD, and James L. Potts MD, this guide offers biographical information, links to other resources, and a bibliography of their publications when available.
Please check back regularly as we will continue to add influential people to this guide.
Diversity in Medicine and Science Subject GuideWomen in Medicine and Science Subject Guide

This guide provides information on female pioneers associated with Upstate and its predecessor institutions who left lasting impacts on medicine and science. Featuring such noteable women as Elizabeth Blackwell MD, Sarah Loguen Fraser MD, Patricia J. Numann MD FACS, and Sharon Brangman MD, this guide offers biographical information, links to other resources, and a bibliography of their publications when available.
Please check back regularly as we will continue to add influential women to this guide.
Women in Medicine and Science Subject GuideSyracuse Area Hospital - A History

This guide provides histories of various hospitals that exist, or have existed, in the Syracuse, NY area. Many of these institutions have merged or undergone other transformations to form the hospitals that are the foundation of medical care in the region. Some of these hospitals have changed locations, leaving behind buildings that serve completely different functions in Syracuse today.
This guide will continue to grow as more information is discovered and compiled. Additional institutions will be added over time.
Syracuse Area Hospital - A HistoryPreserving Professional Papers Subject Guide

Faculty and staff interested in donating their papers to the Archives & Special Collections department may refer to this guide for advice and best practices for maintaining these materials, until a donation can be made. Information on organizing the papers and storing them in safe conditions are provided.
Preserving Professional Papers Subject GuideDigital Preservation Subject Guide

This guide provides basic information on preserving emails from the Groupwise system on a campus server. It also provides guidelines for long-term storage of digital documents in various formats. This should be applied to materials with enduring value, which might be appropriate for deposit with the Archives & Special Collections department after their active use is over.
Digital Preservation Subject Guide